Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Last FOCA news updates of 2014 in the December Elert

Last FOCA news updates of 2014 in the December Elert

http://bit.ly/1GrleLA FOCA

Webinar #2: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Environmental Commissioner of Ontario - the Environmental Bill of Rights and You

This webinar will help FOCA members interested in participating in environmental law-making that impacts your waterfront experience and communities - through Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).

FOCA members: Watch your Inbox for sign-up details in mid-January!

Boat Show

We are very excited that FOCA will be part of the "Boating Community Program" at the Toronto International Boat Show from January 10-18, 2015, where we will be meeting boaters, and dreaming of an early summer... Plan to join us there.

LAST CALL for free tickets!

FOCA has 2 free tickets to the Boat Show for each and every one of our member associations. Thanks to all the Associations who have already contacted us to claim their tickets.

IMPORTANT: Associations MUST email FOCA by December 31, 2014 with the designated names for the 2 tickets, which will be held at the entry to the Boat Show.

New Municipal Councils now in place

December 1st was the first day for the newly sworn-in municipal councils in Ontario.

Congratulations to all the successful candidates now sitting as councillors, mayors and reeves. FOCA looks forward to a long and productive relationship between local government and the waterfront property-owning community, represented through local cottage, lake and road associations.

A message from FOCA to Municipal Councils:

We encourage you to utilize the considerable resources within local residents' associations!

As stakeholders in nearly 300 Ontario municipalities, FOCA's 50,000 members not only provide a significant amount of local property tax revenue (over $800-million/year), but also have important perspectives on local living, land use planning, economic development and maintaining sustainable local environments.

A message from FOCA to our members:

We encourage you to make yourselves known to your elected officials; they are making decisions that will affect you and your community for the next 4 years! One important time to get involved is during the municipal budget process.

Monday, 1 December 2014

FOCA Fall Seminar - by Webinar!

FOCA Fall Seminar - by Webinar!

To accommodate our members who reside far and near, this year's FOCA "Fall Seminar" will be held as a two-part series of webinars, rather than an in-person meeting. (Therefore, our next in-person meeting will be in Toronto at the FOCA Annual General Meeting on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Mark your calendar!)

Webinar #1: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - FOCA's Cottage Succession Seminar:

Learn how to "Keep the 'family' in the family cottage," with estate lawyer Peter Lillico. Join us for this web-based edition of the road-trip seminars that have been attended by more than 1,500 people around Ontario over the past 5 years.

** FOCA members: you will be sent registration instructions by email in the coming days. Watch your Inbox for details, and please invite all members of your local association.

Webinar #2: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Ontario's Environment Commissioner - the Environmental Bill of Rights and You

This webinar will help FOCA members interested in participating in environmental law-making that impacts your waterfront experience and communities - through Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).

http://bit.ly/12hAo7t FOCA

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Looking for a gift for your favourite cottager?

Looking for a gift for your favourite cottager?

100 gifts for cottagers under $100

http://bit.ly/1uZLN1G Cottage Life

Someone or several someones at Cottage Life must have spent a lot of time coming up with this listing. Some very cool items for all ages are listed. I can think of a person to give just about every thing on the list too. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Beat the Silent Killer – CO Safety

Beat the Silent Killer – CO Safety'

November 3, 2014 – Ontario has kicked off its first Carbon Monoxide (CO) Awareness Week (November 1-8).

This public education campaign, “Beat the Silent Killer,” is intended to spread the message and raise awareness about the dangers of CO, and the importance of installing detectors in residential dwellings—including cottages. FOCA encourages you to take this opportunity to protect your family. Read the rest on the FOCA website

http://bit.ly/1AdmH8D FOCA

Monday, 3 November 2014

Does a ghost haunt Penetanguishene's Discovery Harbour?

Does a ghost haunt Penetanguishene's Discovery Harbour?

Many say they have spotted spirit of Private Drury

http://bit.ly/1wYFdzj Midland Mirror

I had heard of this long ago... Would be a great place for a Halloween evening

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Tiny Township & Fireworks

Did you know Tiny Township has a Firework By-Law?

http://bit.ly/1wSV13Q Tiny Township

Link is to the By-Law and application. Looks like if you want to have fireworks other than around the Victoria Day Weekend , Canada Day, or New Years Eve/Day you need to file an application.

Fireworks are not allowed if there is a Fire Ban in place.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Is your lake clean?

The biggest pollutants threatening Canadian lakes
http://bit.ly/1tfLAKx Cottage Life

Very Disturbing Reading. You might think your lake is clean but is it?

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Simple solutions that will help prevent cottage break-ins

Simple solutions that will help prevent cottage break-ins

More than 200,000 “break-and-enters” happen every year in Canada, the majority of which are residential. Cottages are no exception to this rule. As you prepare to close your cottage for the season, here are six surprisingly low-tech and low-cost ways to prevent break-ins during the winter season.

Read the full post at

http://bit.ly/1uoCQPX Cottage Life Blog

The best Canadian-themed movies for a rainy day at the cottage

The best Canadian-themed movies for a rainy day at the cottage

http://bit.ly/1y6iTkK Cottage Life Blog

Your thoughts? What did they miss?

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Motion to widen TSW channel approved

Motion to widen TSW channel approved

Deepening and widening a precarious channel of the Trent-Severn Waterway near Port Severn can’t begin soon enough, says one marine carpenter who will no longer take his client’s large boat through it.

Read more

http://bit.ly/ZXI8ul Orillia Packet & Times
Great news for those who use Trent-Severn

Friday, 10 October 2014

Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Georgian Bay's water levels may do something only achieved 4 times in last 154 years

Michigan's Great Lakes water levels may do something only achieved 4 times in last 154 years

http://bit.ly/1o3NG0Y mlive

The story focus's on Lake Michigan but all 3 have the same level. This could be great news for all of us on these 3 bodies of water.

The October 2014 FOCA elert

The October FOCA elert is out

This months topics include:

Municipal Elections = October 27th

Mail in ballets are being distributed in many rural Ontario municipalities now.

Ontario Ministries set priorities

On September 25, 2014, for the first time, the Premier of Ontario openly released "mandate letters" for each Provincial Ministry, providing a window on the direction of the current government as part of efforts to be the "most open government in Canada."

Cottage Closing

Say it isn't so: time for closing up the cottage for the season? Get tips from FOCA, as posted recently by the Insurance Bureau of Canada in their blog, "Get in the Know:"

Federal, and Ontario Environmental Auditors release reports

The week of October 6th saw the release of reports from both the Federal Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

It is Fire Prevention Week

The fire service reminds us that working smoke alarms save lives. Please test yours this weekend!

http://bit.ly/1D0pBve FOCA

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Winterizing Your Boat

Winterizing Your Boat

It is that time of year again. Here are some tips from Discover Boating to help you get your boat ready for winter.

http://bit.ly/1oOCfVQ Discover Boating

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week kicks off Saturday

http://bit.ly/1uJvaNg Orillia Packet and Times

Now is the time to check your smoke alarm. Lets be safe during the heating season

Friday, 26 September 2014

it’s Septic Smart Week,

Are you septic system savvy? (Media Release)
September 23, 2014 – Joint release by FOCA and Green Communities Canada:

http://bit.ly/1u2QuMf FOCA

Over a million Ontario households rely on septic systems to treat their wastewater. If yours is one of them, congratulations – it’s Septic Smart Week, time to think about this important but often neglected element of your home.

An estimated 25% of septic systems across the province are beyond their 30-year design life and are failing to protect ground and surface water, the source of our drinking water.

Go to the FOCA article read it and download the PDF. 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Jurisdictional Review of Lakeshore Planning Practices for Ontario

Jurisdictional Review of Lakeshore Planning Practices for Ontario

http://bit.ly/1sd6TPo  FOCA

September 2014 – Ontario’s existing Lake Capacity Model (LCM), which is based primarily on in-water phosphorus targets, was officially released as planning guidance in 2010. For a variety of reasons it has limited practical applicability for much of Ontario’s lake geography.

Research into potential future approaches to determining the development capacity (or limits to growth) on Ontario lakes is underway. 

Click on the link to go to the full FOCA article.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Dorval Island

The fall Cottage Life issue has a great article on cottaging on Dorval Island. Well worth the read. It sounds and looks like a great place and so close to the city.

For those who look at my morning photo's on Facebook or G+ you can see the east end of the island in the Dorval shots from my balcony. The dock for the ferry to island is about 200 Meters from the front door of my building. Cottaging 5 min from my front door has a certain appeal. I could cottage every night during the summer. It would be much faster than the trip from Dorval to Clearwater Beach on Georgian Bay....

But would it be as much fun?

Would it have the memories?

What about the friends I have know for all my life?

Memories and Friends win... Clearwater Beach for the win, but it is an interesting idea

http://bit.ly/1sch40L Cottage Life

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Municipal Election 2014

Municipal Election 2014

http://bit.ly/1pfeW6q FOCA

2014 is a Municipal Election Year – FOCA wants YOU to vote in your rural municipality

FOCA encourages our members, and all individuals, to get involved in the October 27th, 2014 Ontario Municipal Elections. The term of office for elected representatives is December 1st, 2014 to November 30th, 2018 (a four year term).

Municipal Election 2014 Coming Soon

North Simcoe candidate lists finalized for Oct. 27 election

http://bit.ly/1BDhBja   Simcoe.com

It is municipal election time in Ontario, see who is running in our area.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Invasive species wreaking havoc

Invasive species wreaking havoc

s the old saying goes, sometimes you don’t know how good you’ve got it until things get really bad. That notion was driven home last week as I left my home area and spent a week in the nearby Kawartha Lakes area. The location was barely over an hour’s drive   away but the reality of negative impacts by invasive species was a true eye-opener.

http://bit.ly/1AlQQQB Orilla Packet & Times

Well worth the read

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Photography in the summer, getting the best out of you phones camera

Tips and Tricks for Battling Summer's Number One Photo Bomber, the Sun 

http://bit.ly/1pHQujE LifeHacker 

Some great tips and tricks, on getting the best out of you phones camera

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Looking to get a new paddle for your canoe?

How to pick the perfect canoe paddle

Wielding a wooden blade is like stepping back in time. Whether you’re long-distance tripping or solo canoeing, the right paddle will take you where you need to go.

http://bit.ly/1ndBftV Cottage Life

Have a new canoe? Lost your paddle? Want to improve your paddling? Have a read and pick the right paddle for you and your needs.

Monday, 16 June 2014

2014 Ontario Municipal Election information for Tiny Township

The next municipal Election is Monday, October 27, 2014.

Municipal elections happen every four years in Ontario. Eligible electors will vote for mayor, deputy mayor, councillor and school board trustee.

The Township of Tiny Council members are elected "at large" which means eligible electors vote amongst all candidates for the offices of mayor, deputy mayor and councillors. The Township's voting method is Vote-by-Mail. This voting method has been used during the last two elections and has proven to be quite efficient in meeting the needs of our permanent and seasonal electors, as well as meeting accessibility requirements.

Thinking of Running and/or Voting in Tiny? Check out the township's page on the 2014 municipal election.

http://bit.ly/1pYCwYn Tiny Township

It is Tick season again, lets be safe

Properly Remove a Tick with this Illustrated Guide

One of the more dangerous summertime bugs is the tick, but fear not, The Art of Manliness has a handy illustrated guide to help you properly remove the blood-sucking pests

http://bit.ly/T1VW2X LifeHacker

If you're going to be out and about in grassy or bushy areas, it's well worth reading this. Ticks are in abundance this year. A tip of the hat to Don White for finding the article

ELA Reaches Goal

ELA fundraising campaign reaches $25,000 goal.

With hours to spare in their campaign, the world renowned Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) has reached their goal of raising $25,000 to help the facility stay afloat.

http://bit.ly/1qNELO0 Cottage Life

This is great news.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Summer Science

A Scientific Guide To Surviving Summer

The first day of summer is fast approaching – will you be prepared for suntanning, swimming, and swarms of bugs? Here's our handy guide to surviving the sultriest of seasons, with SCIENCE.

http://bit.ly/SM6hQ7 IO9

Bugs, Sun Tan, Sun Burn, Public Pools, condensation on your drink.... just some of the topics covered.

Township of Tiny has adopted a “Zero Tolerance” policy on smoke alarm violations.

“Failing to install and maintain these inexpensive devices to protect yourself and your family members is completely unacceptable,” says Fire Chief Tony Mintoff. 

As a result of emergency responses, several homes in the Township of Tiny have recently been found to be in non-compliance with the Ontario Fire Code’s Smoke Alarm requirements.
As a result, the occupants have been issued Certificates of Offence (tickets) in the amount of $235 for each violation. 

http://bit.ly/TX8itN Tiny Township

Be safe make sure you have working smoke alarms and get a carbon monoxide alarm too. Lets all be safe on the beach. I replaced our existing smoke alarms (4 units), and added a carbon monoxide alarm for around $60.00. 

A jewel of a provincial park Awenda

Visit Awenda Provincial Park

At Awenda, the Nipissing Bluff drops a dramatic 60 metres into Georgian Bay, providing varied terrain for the geography enthusiast, including boulder fields, cobble beaches, kettle lakes and sand dunes. Check out Methodist Point Bay for the most protected, sandiest beach, perfect for swimming. Once you’re finished splashing around, look across to Giant’s Tomb Island, where the spirit of Kitchekewana—creator of the 30,000 Islands and the five bays of Georgian Bay, according to legend—is said to rest. If you’ve brought your dog, Awenda also offers a pet-friendly beach.

http://bit.ly/1hYPjtZ Cottage Life

Take sometime this summer to check out this jewel of a provincial park. Located so close to our beach why not take a couple of hours for a quick tour.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Need some a quick Fathers Day Gift?

25 gifts your dad didn’t know he needed
http://bit.ly/SWb0z5 Cottage Life

There are some very interesting items, some would be great for the cottage.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Skinny Dipping Spots near the cottage

Top Ten Skinny Dipping Spots in Georgian Bay
What’s better than a cool dip in Georgian Bay on a hot summer day? Not much. But the experience can be added to by subtracting one thing – a swimsuit. The ultimate in risqué behaviour, humans have enjoyed swimming in the buff since time immemorial. Sure, it’s arguably illegal, but let’s face it, that’s half the fun.

Read the whole article at the link below

http://bit.ly/1jPrtLd Mountain Life

A surprising number of these are within about 1 hr by boat...

Saturday, 31 May 2014

The 2013 FOCA Year in Review

The 2013 FOCA Year in Review has the overview you need to answer the question, "What does FOCA do?" Click below to access the digital version:

http://bit.ly/1rsQeqm FOCA

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Bugs at the Cottage

Everything you need to know about cottage bugs—and how to avoid them

Groceries stowed, kids in bed, you take a moment on the deck to enjoy a spectacular sunset. But…nearby, a female mosquito has detected your breath. And she’s not the only one. The bloodthirsty gang follows your carbon dioxide emissions to their source, forcing you to retreat inside with several itchy puncture wounds

Read the rest by clicking on the link
http://bit.ly/1lVq6Mt Cottage life
Some great information 

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Special Updates for FOCA Members Elert

Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations
Special Updates for FOCA Members Elert

Hot Topics for 2014:

Looking for material for your local association meeting or upcoming newsletter?

Read the Event Summary and review the slide presentations from the 2014 FOCA Annual General Meeting and Spring Seminar, held March 1st in Toronto:

Looking for a speaker for your local association meeting?

Contact FOCA to be connected to the following partners who have offered some availability to attend local AGMs this summer:

Recent Survey Results: Cottage Country Waste Management

Thank you to all who participated in the January 2014 FOCA survey! Working with the Trent Centre for Community-Based Education, we investigated challenges and barriers to waste management in rural municipalities across Ontario. Communication between residents and municipalities emerged as a key factor. Larger municipalities appear better-equipped to provide education or special disposal options for electronic waste, large furniture and more.

New FOCA Survey: Hot Topics for 2014 + Cottage Usage Trends

Please take a few minutes to participate in FOCA's latest survey by clicking this link:


The first half of the survey includes questions about the issues that may be facing your association this year. The second half has been generously sponsored by our corporate partners at Xplornet, to better understand how and when we use the cottage, and what role, if any, internet service plays in the mix.

Link to the Full Elert here

http://bit.ly/SeyLSz FOCA

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Looking to spruce up your dock?

50 gorgeous products to help you deck out your dock

Looking to make your dock more that a place to tie your boat up? Take a look at products in the link below. I think there is something for everyone

http://bit.ly/1jfVy6j Cottage Life 

Some great products/ideas for your Dock

Monday, 26 May 2014

Looking to speed up your breakfast prep & cook time at the cottage?

20 breakfast hacks to make the most of your weekend

Fortunately, there are some genius breakfast hacks out there to make your mornings quick and tasty. To make long-weekend mornings at the cottage a cinch so you can find your beach, we’ve compiled 20 breakfast hacks that are easy to make and easier to enjoy

Click on the link below to go to the Cottage Life Blog

http://bit.ly/1orYClr Cottage Life

I love breakfast at the cottage

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Looking for a new Barbecue?

8 “if I won the lottery” barbecues

Everyone knows that you can have a perfectly fantastic cottage barbecue with your grampa’s rusty old charcoal kettle—you know, the grill that has long been equal parts metal and carbonized meat bits. But isn’t it nice to dream, just once in a while, about what you’d do with something that doesn’t have a badminton racquet for one of its legs.  

http://bit.ly/1t5L13f Cottage Life

Some very nice units, I can dream.....

Critters cute, but conniving

Critters cute, but conniving

The trouble with chipmunks is they are unbelievably cute. It’s hard to paint them as villains when all you want to do is give them your peanuts. “Aw, look at that. It has three whole peanuts in its mouth. Let’s give it another one.” And off it scampers, leaving the peanut-less people folk with a sense of connecting to nature.

Read the rest at the link below

http://bit.ly/1plTYoT Orillia Packet and Times

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Going to be at the cottage on Father's Day weekend, you might want to run over to Midland

Cottagers and chefs will face off at Midland’s Annual Butter Tart Festival and Contest

The Simcoe County town will host the second annual Ontario’s Best Butter Tart Festival and Contest along King Street on Saturday June 14, 2014 (which also happens to be Father’s Day weekend). More than 50,000 tarts will be on hand, baked by a mix of amateur and pro pastry chefs from across the province.

For more information click on the link below

http://bit.ly/1orWnyp Cottage Life 

Sorry that I will not be at the cottage for that weekend 

May FOCA Elert

Some of the highlights

Ontario Election 2014
FOCA wants you to VOTE on June 12th

The issues facing Ontario are significant and far-reaching, and it is incumbent upon all eligible voters to make an informed decision - and VOTE - in the June 12th Provincial election.

You only get one vote in the election, even if you have residences in more than one electoral district.

NOTE: FOCA requested clarification from Elections Ontario about whether you can choose to vote in your cottage district in the upcoming election.
The answer is, "yes," for some people, under certain conditions and with proper identification.

See the official response from the Chief Electoral Officer, and get more details about the vote here:

FOCA 2014 Elections webpage

FOCA Year in Review

Read the FOCA 2013 Year in Review publication for an overview of all the work FOCA does, and all the benefits of supporting FOCA.

Associations: please circulate this link to all your members, and remind them that they are FOCA members, too!

ONCA on hold
Since the call of the June 12 Provincial Election, Bill 85 and the technical amendments required to bring ONCA (the Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act) into force is now dead in the water.

This means ONCA will not likely be proclaimed until after 2015, so FOCA associations will have plenty of time to get aligned with the new law.

FOCA and our partners at Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG) will remain focused on the progress of this change in the law, which will affect all Ontario non-profit organizations. BLG and FOCA will be releasing further information about how to be prepared in the weeks and months to come.

And much much more read the full Elert at the link below

http://bit.ly/1t5H8va FOCA May 2014 Elert

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Yard Waste Collection

Next Week W/O May 25 2014 is the last Yard Waste Pick-up of the spring for the beach. Make sure your yard waste is out by the curb by 7AM Monday May 26...

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Two ATVs taken from Tiny Township cottage

Two ATVs taken from Tiny Township cottage
http://bit.ly/1pD9oc2  Midland Mirror 
Keep your eyes open it is the start of Break-In season 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Ontario Hydro rates going up May 1

Hydro rates going up May 1
TORONTO - Ontario electricity prices are on their way up again.

As of May 1, there will be an increase in time-of-use prices that will boost the average hydro customer’s monthly cost by $2.83, or $33.96 annually.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) says the jolt upwards in prices includes the arrival of renewable or “green” electricity generation over the next 12 months.

http://bit.ly/1gKxk7q The Toronto Sun

Not sure what exact impact will be for those of us whose cottages are "non-residential" (I forget the exact category) plans but I think it will be higher 

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Sharpening basics for your cottage tools

Sharpening basics for your cottage tools

It’s been said that a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one. A tool shouldn’t have to be forced to do its job, or there is the risk of that force moving in an undesirable direction, not to mention the wasted energy required to complete the task. Try cutting carrots with a dull kitchen knife, and you’ll get my drift. Understanding the geometry of a cutting edge allows you to sharpen just about any tool, and also to recognize when it’s dull. 

Read the rest at:
http://bit.ly/1diAfO9 Cottage Life

Cottage time is not that far away, time to think about getting your cottage tools in shape