Tuesday 28 August 2012

Tiny Township Fire Campaign 2012

Tiny Township Fire Campaign 2012

Press Release from Tiny Township
(Perkinsfield, Ontario) - The Township of Tiny is announcing the launch of its Open Air Burning By-law Enforcement Campaign. This campaign is intended to promote public awareness of the rules relating to the Open Air Burning By-law. The launch of the “Open Air Burning By-law Enforcement Campaign” will run from August 24th to September 3rd, 2012. The objectives of the campaign are to:

http://bit.ly/NvFbtr Tiny Township 

Sunday 26 August 2012

Why the Lakes are slowly getting less Great

Why the Lakes are slowly getting less Great

http://bit.ly/Oic87l  Globe and Mail

A complex issue with not simple answers.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Whisky Lemonade

Summer Sips: Whisky Lemonade

http://bit.ly/PfrOJx Canada.Com

Looks great, have to try it

Midland shows off its waterfront with festival and TugFest

Midland shows off its waterfront with festival and TugFest

The 2012 Midland Harbour Festival takes place from Friday to Sunday on one of Ontario's most beautiful waterfronts.

http://bit.ly/O9wiAp Midland Freepress

Looks like a fun weekend

Sunday 19 August 2012

AGM - Fun Day - BBQ Lunch September 1st 2012

Just a reminder that it is less than 2 weeks to our 59th AGM - Fun Day - BBQ Lunch

Setup starts at 9:30 am
Registration starts around 11:00 am 

Annual General Meeting starts at 11:30 am 
Entries for the Baking Contest must be in by 11:45 am
Children's games start around Noon 
Barbecue Lunch starts around 1:00 pm, please bring a dessert to share
The Lucky Raffle will start when we have sold enough tickets to start
Horseshoe Tournament will start when they are ready 

In celebration of 60th year of the our association, we will be making a special presentation to the Marygrove Camp.

At the AGM some of the items to covered:
Minutes from the 2011 AGM
New Business
Financial Report
FOCA Update
     FaceBook Page
     Blogger Page
     email newsletter
Winners of the Baking Contest
Winners of the Fishing Contest
Talk on fire alarms & fire extinguisher demo  Dino Pangratti
Guest Speaker Tiny Township Mayor Ray Millar

Our skilled prize buyer have been out finding great prizes for Lucky Raffle, Children's Games, Baking Contest, and Horseshoe Tournament so come and win a prize.

Guests are $3.00 per person.

Can you or your company donate a prize for the raffle table? Please bring it to the Fun Day and add to the fun.

Marygrove Camp would appreciate any used or new girls clothing (ages 8 to 14), towels, bathing suits, shoes etc. Donations may be brought to the picnic or dropped off in advance at the camp. 

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Baking Contest at the AGM/Fun Day/BBQ

Baking Contest

Get your oven mitts on! We're very excited about the baking contest this year and have some great prizes. There are 3 categories (young people, teenagers and adults) and 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in each category. Each entry is judged for flavour, appearance and creativity! The judges are also sharpening their taste buds.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The August FOCA Elert is out and on the web

The August FOCA Elert is out and on the web.

Some of this months stories:

Fire News: the Heat is On
Prolonged hot and dry weather this summer has meant high fire risk for much of woodland Ontario. Click here for links to the Current Fire Situation from the Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services branch of the MNR.

Boater Assist        
Boater Assist Canada is a new service - think of it as "CAA for the water" - being offered through our friends at Boating Ontario and the Ontario Marine Operators Assocation.

and more, use the link below

http://bit.ly/NmLkYx FOCA

You can sign up to have the FOCA Elert sent right to your email box on the FOCA web site. http://www.foca.on.ca

Saturday 11 August 2012

New Stuff

Our 2012 Newsletter and 2012 AGM/Fun Day/BBQ Flyer are now posted on the Newsletter page.

Our first 2012 Community Partner is now on our Community Partner page. We thank Delva and Michelle Lacroix for their continued support for our association.

Links to the pages are on the right hand slide of the main page.

Perseid meteor shower this weekend

How to catch this weekend’s Perseid meteor shower 
http://bit.ly/RHXFHq iO9
Wish I was at the cottage for this weekend, the view should be great. Enjoy

Fire Ban August 11 2012

Look's like the Fire Ban is still in place. You can get up to date information:

Fire Hazard Rating Sign posted at the following location:
Toanche Fire Hall (Champlain Road and Toanche Trail),
By visiting the Township website at www.tiny.ca
By calling the Township Office at (705) 526-4204

Summerama in Balm Beach

It's Summerama time again


Wednesday 8 August 2012

A Royal Visit

Prince Edward to visit Penetanguishene and Midland

http://bit.ly/MjHwWy Midland Freepress

I hope the security is not as bad as it was for the Pope visits

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Lost Paddle on Clearwater Beach, Tiny Township

Lost a paddle! 
It's got a silver shaft & a white plastic end! It was on our dock & blew away in the wind on Sunday. 
Who knows, it could be half way to Midland right now but keep an eye out for it please :) 

If found leave a comment on here I will contact the cottage that lost it and arrange a pick up or drop off.


Sunday 5 August 2012

Join us on holiday Mondays from 6:00 to 8:30am for the CBC's On The Dock with Megan Thomas.

On CBC One. Great show focusing on life at the cottage. A great show to listen to as the sun is rising over the Island

Saturday 4 August 2012

Tech Support Phone Scams

Warning Warning
Just got a call from "Windows Technical Support" on the Cottage Phone. This is a SCAM.

I am guessing they are working through the numbers in this area. Microsoft does not call you up because they think you have a problem with your computer.
Microsoft warns on support scams
Thousands still falling for old-school tech support swindle

http://bit.ly/NU00y6 The Register

Avoid tech support phone scams

http://bit.ly/PTEEvF Microsoft

Georgian Bay's best spots for skinny dipping

Georgian Bay's best spots for skinny dipping
http://bit.ly/PuaXkn Toronto Sun
I know the water is great but did not know about this. Who knew and why did you not tell me?

Summer adventure in Ontario

Summer adventure in Ontario
http://bit.ly/NSRX4r Midland Freepress
Some great ideas and places to go. Some are close to the cottage. Maybe a special weekend or couple of weekdays with your special person.

Wednesday 1 August 2012