Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Public Meeting on facility to handle septage from regional pump-outs of septic and holding tanks, and the biosolids in Tiny Township


A public meeting has been scheduled by the Township of Tiny to inform and invite input into deliberations on a facility to handle septage from regional pump-outs of septic and holding tanks, and the biosolids from neighboring community waste water treatment facilities, which traditionally have been land-applied within the Township.

When: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Saturday, June 1, 2013
Where:Township Community Centre 91 Concession 8 East, Township of Tiny

Tiny considers Phases 1 and 2 of the Class Environmental Assessment  complete, having chosen “Construct a septage treatment facility within the Township, with full treatment of solids and liquids” as the preferred solution. The Township has retained Burnside Associates to conduct the evaluation of design alternatives and site selection.

The public meeting will afford attendees “an opportunity to review and provide comments on the evaluation of design alternatives for the septage treatment facility, including an evaluation of available treatment technologies and the proposed methodology for the site selection process.” 

Public attendance at the meetings held during the first phase of the study was very limited. Only 28 people attended the meeting in July 2011, 34 in November 2011 and 28 in June 2012, with more than half of the attendees consisting of the Project Advisory Committee and staff. No public meeting was held after all the information was consolidated in the final report. This may explain why Council, against the advice of the Mayor, accepted a single-alternative recommendation rather than a more rigorous evaluation of a collaborative alternative with a neighboring treatment facility.

Mark your calendar now and plan to participate in this important decision!

Terry Breckenridge

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