Saturday, 30 January 2016

FOCA Elert - January 2016

The January FOCA Elert is out

Some of the topics/items covered

After concerns last year about municipal plans for septage management, FOCA wrote an article on the topic in the recent edition of the OOWA Onsite Newsletter.

April 1-3, 2016 - Spring Cottage Life Show, Toronto. Come visit the FOCA booth at this season-starting event!

The OPP and Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs issued a joint release last week, on the topic of safe snowmobiling.

Parks Canada has announced that avid boaters can take advantage of their "Early Bird Offer" until March 31st: receive 10% off mooring with the purchase of a seasonal lockage & mooring package ($1 off per foot), or one free night of mooring with the purchase of a 6-day permit.

Click on the link below to see the Elert. FOCA

You can sign up to get the FOCA Elert delivered to you email in box.

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