Saturday, 23 April 2016

Spring Clean Up, what to do with your yard waste

It is spring again.... and as there is a new for 2016 by-law against burning leaves you either need to compost or put them out for collection.

For Clearwater Beach our Spring Yard Waste Weeks are:
Week of May 9th
Week of May 23
Week of June 6th

Leaf and Yard Collections

Bi-weekly yard waste collection in the County of Simcoe is provided during designated weeks in the spring and fall. Yard waste must be at the curb by Monday at 7 a.m. of your collection week; collection will occur at some time during the week and does not necessarily coincide with your garbage collection day.

Yard waste must be placed in:

Kraft paper yard waste bags
Compostable bags
Cardboard boxes
Open-ended rigid containers

Plastic bags are not permitted. Brush must be contained as above or bundled securely with string, be no larger than 2 metres in length and 30 centimetres in diameter.

The County reserves the right to limit quantities. Leaf and yard waste may also be taken to County waste management facilities during regular operating hours at no charge.

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