Tuesday 18 December 2012

FOCA's December Elert is out

The December FOCA Elert is out

MNR Permit Changes    

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) developed a policy in Fall, 2012 to describe how they would manage their fiscal limitations, while still meeting their mandate. They have now posted proposed regulatory amendments on the Environmental Bill of Rights for public consultation. (Posting #011-7669) 
Electricity Rates

FOCA is pleased to report reductions for seasonal customers' electricity rates, achieved through our efforts at the Ontario Energy Board. 

Reductions in distribution rate charges totalling $2.04 million have recently been announced for the 159,000-member seasonal class in 2013. 

FOCA remains concerned that the overall costs of electricity for all customers are set to rise  dramatically over the coming years. 
Great New FOCA Benefit: Discounts on CAA Memberships!

Do you spend much time commuting by car to-and-from the cottage? If so, this is for you:

 FOCA is very pleased to announce a brand new member benefit: save at least $15 on a CAA Membership when you apply or renew through CAA corporate services as part of FOCA. In addition to critical roadside service, your CAA Membership card gets you discounts on a wide range of attractions and travel bookings. Read the details and find out how to apply here: www.foca.on.ca/CAA

Do not forget to sign up to have the FOCA Elert delivered right you. Sign up on the FOCA home page

View the full December Elert by clicking on the link below
http://bit.ly/R3SoKv  FOCA

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