Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Is your lake clean?

The biggest pollutants threatening Canadian lakes
http://bit.ly/1tfLAKx Cottage Life

Very Disturbing Reading. You might think your lake is clean but is it?

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Simple solutions that will help prevent cottage break-ins

Simple solutions that will help prevent cottage break-ins

More than 200,000 “break-and-enters” happen every year in Canada, the majority of which are residential. Cottages are no exception to this rule. As you prepare to close your cottage for the season, here are six surprisingly low-tech and low-cost ways to prevent break-ins during the winter season.

Read the full post at

http://bit.ly/1uoCQPX Cottage Life Blog

The best Canadian-themed movies for a rainy day at the cottage

The best Canadian-themed movies for a rainy day at the cottage

http://bit.ly/1y6iTkK Cottage Life Blog

Your thoughts? What did they miss?

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Motion to widen TSW channel approved

Motion to widen TSW channel approved

Deepening and widening a precarious channel of the Trent-Severn Waterway near Port Severn can’t begin soon enough, says one marine carpenter who will no longer take his client’s large boat through it.

Read more

http://bit.ly/ZXI8ul Orillia Packet & Times
Great news for those who use Trent-Severn

Friday, 10 October 2014

Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Georgian Bay's water levels may do something only achieved 4 times in last 154 years

Michigan's Great Lakes water levels may do something only achieved 4 times in last 154 years

http://bit.ly/1o3NG0Y mlive

The story focus's on Lake Michigan but all 3 have the same level. This could be great news for all of us on these 3 bodies of water.

The October 2014 FOCA elert

The October FOCA elert is out

This months topics include:

Municipal Elections = October 27th

Mail in ballets are being distributed in many rural Ontario municipalities now.

Ontario Ministries set priorities

On September 25, 2014, for the first time, the Premier of Ontario openly released "mandate letters" for each Provincial Ministry, providing a window on the direction of the current government as part of efforts to be the "most open government in Canada."

Cottage Closing

Say it isn't so: time for closing up the cottage for the season? Get tips from FOCA, as posted recently by the Insurance Bureau of Canada in their blog, "Get in the Know:"

Federal, and Ontario Environmental Auditors release reports

The week of October 6th saw the release of reports from both the Federal Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, and the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

It is Fire Prevention Week

The fire service reminds us that working smoke alarms save lives. Please test yours this weekend!

http://bit.ly/1D0pBve FOCA

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Winterizing Your Boat

Winterizing Your Boat

It is that time of year again. Here are some tips from Discover Boating to help you get your boat ready for winter.

http://bit.ly/1oOCfVQ Discover Boating

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week kicks off Saturday

http://bit.ly/1uJvaNg Orillia Packet and Times

Now is the time to check your smoke alarm. Lets be safe during the heating season